Thank you for choosing Webcom Mobi API. This API allows you to work with all the main features of Webcom Mobi, so you can quickly establish interaction with our service.
For all subsequent examples to work correctly, you will need a login and password or authorization token to access the Webcom Mobi API. To obtain an authorization token, contact the account manager assigned to your account.
Supported Send Types:
SMS message
Viber message
Voice message
Sending codes by voice (VoiceCode)
Cascading shipment Viber + SMS
Cascading shipment FlashCall + SMS
Requests should be sent in UTF-8 encoding. You should not use URLs longer than 2,000 characters. But this parameter depends on many factors and can vary up or down. The same requests can be sent no more than once every 1 minute. In case of an error will return:
Options for interaction with API
You can work with our API in JSON, XML and HTTP GET format.
JSON specificationHTTP GET specificationXML specificationLast updated